Getting Ready for the School Year 2023/24
- First Day - School Year 2023/24 ............................. The first school day for our pupils in the school year 2023/24 is Wednesday, August 30th 2023. The previous day (Aug 29th) will be a school planning day for all school staff. The full Academic Calendar for 2023/24 can be downloaded from the files below.
- "Meet the Teacher Day for New Junior Infants" ...............................The Junior Infants class teachers, Ms Clayton & Ms Carolan, have arranged a "Meet the Teacher Day" for all new Junior Infants and their parents on Friday August 25th. The school will be open from 1pm until 2pm on that day and pictures will be taken of the pupils in their new school uniforms.
- Free School Books ................................................Following the introduction of the "Free School Books for Primary School Pupils Scheme", all schoolbooks, workbooks and copies will be supplied by the school for the school year 2023/24.
- Stationery Lists 2023/24 ...........................................Parents/Guardians are requested to purchase a number of Items of Stationery for their children for use during the year - see below for the lists prepared by each class teacher. For pupils in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and our Special Class, all books, workbooks and items of stationery will be supplied by the school.
- School Uniforms & School Tracksuits .........................School Uniforms are compulsory and all pupils should wear their full school uniform every day unless their class teacher requests that they wear their school tracksuit.
- School Attendance .................... We cannot overstate the importance of daily attendance at school. Records of attendance and reasons for absences are maintained by the school on a daily basis.
- Healthy Eating ............... See below for our school's Healthy Lunch Policy.