Spring Term News - Jan 2023
Scoil Naomh Feichín reopens for the Spring Term on Jan 5th 2022.
It was wonderful to see so many of the pupils attending school for the first day of term as we were worried that some children would still be suffering from the viruses and infections that have been doing the rounds over the last few months.
Recordings of Christmas Concerts
Many thanks to the parents who have contributed towards the cost of making video recordings of both school concerts last month. We are asking each school family to contribute €5 – this will provide you with links to both concerts. These concerts can then be recorded onto a DVD or flash drive, if required.
Message to School Communities from HSE -
Re: Significant levels of Flu, Covid-19 and RSV currently circulating.
(click the link below for the full document)
A message from the HSE reminding parents/guardians that even though many children have a runny noses or slight coughs during the winter season, if a child is feeling unwell, they should be at home.
For example, they may have:
- fever
- cough
- sore throat
They should stay at home until those symptoms have finished. Children unwell with symptoms of one infection are more likely to get ‘co-infected’ with another infection which might make them more unwell, if they are exposed.
See https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/colds-coughs-children/
Staying home when unwell will help prevent spread to other children, families and staff.
New New Junior Infants 2023/24
The application process is now open for the new school year 2023/24. Applications for places in the new Junior Infants classes should be submitted by January 31st 2023. Click the link below for the Enrolment Application Form.
Parents who would like to register their intention to enrol their child in future years may complete the "Intention to Enrol Form" and then drop this into the school office.
Admissions Policy Statement (Revised - Dec 2022)
The school's Admissions Statement & Policy were revised at the end of 2022. Click the link below for the updated policy.
Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment - (Updated)
The Board of Management carried out the annual review of the school's Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment at its meeting on November 28th 2022.
Click below to see these documents.