December 2024 - School News
Santa's Visit
All of the pupils were so excited to meet Santa when he dropped in to see them in the school on Wednesday, Dec 18th. As usual, he didn't arrive empty handed - he had a special gift of a book and some treats for the pupils in Junior & Senior Infants and selection boxes for the pupils in all other classes. Many thanks to the Parents Association for arranging this special visit.
Fundraising for St Vincent de Paul
Thanks to the generosity of our school families this December, we were delighted to present the Society of St Vincent de Paul with €705 to support the valuable work that they do in our local community.
Parents Association Epic Christmas Raffle
It was great to see that all the hard work of our Parents Association in organising their Epic Christmas Raffle paid off with the raffle raising a considerable sum of money to support school activities and initiatives. Sincere thanks to the generous sponsors and all this in our school community who bought tickets for this year's raffle........ and congratulations to all of the lucky winners !!!!
Christmas Concerts 2024.
- Wednesday, Dec 11th @ 12.30pm - Junior & Senior Infants
- Thursday, Dec 12th @ 12.30pm - Junior & Senior Infants
- Tuesday, Dec 17th @ 7pm ----- 3rd Class, 3rd/4th Class & both 5th Classes
- Wednesday Dec 18th @ 7pm ------ 1st Class, 2nd Class, 4th Class & 6th Class.
This year's school concerts were extremely enjoyable and entertaining as usual. The school hall was completely full for all of the performances and the pupils derived so much enjoyment from being on stage and in the spotlight for their class shows. Well done to all of our talented pupils and also to the teachers and SNAs who worked so hard with the children in preparing them for the concerts.
Video recordings of the three concerts can be ordered and will be available at the start of the spring term in January 2025.
Attendance Awards (Nov & Dec 2024)
The principal, Mr Collins, was very happy indeed to present the Attendance Certificates to the pupils in all classes who had excellent or outstanding school attendnace during the months of November & December. There were also vouchers raffled for the pupils with the best attendence in each classroom. The next attendance awards will be February 2025.