New School Year 2024/25
Welcome Back to School for the School Year 2024/25
- New New Junior Infants - Video Highlights of First Days at School ----- https://youtu.be/86lmbZCl_VY
- Click the PDF document below for details about the Allianz Pupil Insurance Scheme facilitated by the Parents Association.
- Click the link below for the School Calendar 2024/25
- First School Day for Pupils ---- Thursday, August 29th 2024
The school staff will be engaged in preparation and organisation for the new school year on Tuesday & Wednesday, August 27th & 28th but the first day that pupils will be at school is Thursday, Aug. 29th.
The pupils in Junior Infants will have a slightly shorter school day for the initial two weeks of the school term. From September 12th, these pupils will finish class at 2pm.
The teachers of new pupils in our special classes will liase directly with parents/guardians regarding the finishing times for their children.
New Junior Infants Reception Day -- Tues. Aug 27th
Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances we need to change the "Meet the Teacher Day" for parents/guadians and pupils of both Junior Infant classes to Tuesday, August 27th (1.30pm to 2.30pm). This event was originally planned for Friday, August 23rd. We will be taking "First Day at School" photos of the children on the afternoon of the 27th.
New pupils in our special classes will already have had an opportunity to visit the school, meet their teacher and see their new classroom in June.
Schoolbooks, Stationery & Additional Items
As you may know, a grant is now provided by the government to cover the cost of school books, workbooks and some stationery items. In Junior Infant and Senior Infant classes, the school is in a position to purchase all textbooks, workbooks, stationery, etc., for all pupils at this level. For pupils in 1st class - 6th class, parents/guadians are requested to purchase a small number of additional items for their children - e.g. colouring pencils, rulers, etc...... See below for more details.
For pupils in our special classes, the class teachers will communicate directly with parents/guardians about anything else which needs to be purchased.
School Uniforms / School Tracksuits 2024/25
For the school year 2024/25 pupils will be permitted to wear the school tracksuit every day at school and there is no requirement to wear the formal school uniform. However, if parents wish their child to wear the traditional school uniform at school, that is perfectly okay.
Over the coming months, a consultative group made up of pupils, parents and teachers will consider proposed changes to our school uniform and recommendations will be forwarded to the Board of Management for consideration.
School Attendance 2024/25
Fortunately, the majority of pupils attending our school have fantasic attendance records and this, obviously, has a very positive impact on their education and wellbeing. In 2024/25, we will again be concentrating on improving daily attendance figures across all class groups. Consquently, we would encourge parents/guardians to arrange family holidays outside of term time.
We completely understand that pupils must remain at home when they are unwell or for urgent family or medical reasons. We must endeavour to reduce the number of unexplained and unnecessary absences and we look forward to further improvements in school attendance in 2024/25.